Pet Care
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Doggie Restyle Fur Detangler
$ 7.00
Doggie Restyle Fur Detangler
$ 7.00
This is perfect for those doggies needing a little extra conditioning and detangling. Use wet or dry as a rinse out or leave in conditioner. Leaves fur soft and shiny.
Mutt Mist Dog Cologne
$ 12.00
Mutt Mist Dog Cologne
$ 12.00
Your canine companion’s custom cologne! Treat that four-legged furry friend of yours to the same relaxing spa treatment you deserve. bath junkie’s mutt mist conditions the coat as it creates a scent-ual...
That Darn Dog Shampoo
$ 10.00
That Darn Dog Shampoo
$ 10.00
Even puppy dogs are going green. The canine crowd has been on the hunt for a SLS-free, chemical-free natural alterative to harsh smelling commercial flea and tick shampoos. Now all noses and paws...
Showing items 1-3 of 3.